Parfois à sa seule initiative, parfois dans le cadre de manifestations organisées, mais surtout en fonction des sollicitations, le CPIE anime des conférences, des
sorties de découverte sur le terrain, participe à des débats...
Biodiversité, paysages et milieux naturels, santé et environnement, pesticides et alternatives, eau, zones humides, développement durable... sont autant de sujets qui peuvent être abordés.
The CPIE runs conferences, workshops and field trips for the general public and also takes part in debates on different topics. These events are organized by our team and can also be part of larger events run by other organisers.
The themes we cover are varied and can include, for example, biodiversity, landscapes and ecosystems, pesticides and alternative measures, water and wetlands.
Voici la liste des conférences et soirées-débat qui peuvent être animées par le CPIE. Pour les tarifs, merci de nous contacter.
Download the list (in French)of conferences and debate eveningsthat can be organized by the CPIE. For details of our rates, please contact us.
Catalogue of conferences and debate evenings[...]
Pour emprunter une exposition, adressez votre demande précise par email au CPIE.
If you would like to borrow one of our exhibitions, please contact the team atthe CPIE by mail and let us know what you are interested in.
Catalogue of exhibitions on loan from the CPIE.pdf
Le CPIE peut être partenaire de vos maniestations en animant un stand d'information.
The CPIE can be present with an information stand at your organized event.
Le CPIE peut animer tout au long de l'année des sorties accompagnées pour le grand public sur vos sites naturels.
Throughout the year, the CPIE organizes a wide range of theme-based trips and visits to various locations for the general public.
Please don’t hesitate to add your name and contact details to our list of “People interested in our activities”. This way you will
receive information by email about our visits, conferences, workshops and other events for the general public organized throughout the year.